Tamati Pirimona Marino
Principal chief of the Collingwood District Nelson, belonged to
the Ngatirarua tribe of Taranaki North. At the time of the
celebrated chief Te Rauperah's raid on both sides of Cook Strait,
he as a youth joined the expedition and received as his share of
the conquest a large area of land at Massacre Bay (Te Taitapu).
Tamati Pirimona Marino was a fine specimen of the Maori chief.
He was genial, hospitable and a gentleman in his habits and
bearing. He liked the company of Europeans to whom he was always
well disposed. At the time of the wars of 1860, and 1863 and
following years he was invited to join the hostile forces at
Taranaki and Waikato, he preferred keeping on good terms with his
European friends at Nelson. He was the first Native in the South
Island who owned a sailing and trading vessel. In 1863 he removed
from Collingwood to Westport, where he resided until 1871 when he
left that place for Taranaki North where he died in 1875.
James Mackay
Formerly Civil Commissioner. N.Z.
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